There was no way to control a display fast enough. But before that, other hurdles had to be overcome. With 256KB RAM, more than enough flash, SD slot and 180 MHz it seemed possible to emulate a complete C64. Soon the wish for a SID-Player came up and a little later the Teensy 3.6 was announced. Unfortunately, current reSID versions require a lot of RAM, so I had to switch to an older version - which is not necessarily worse. It is even possible to emulate a second reSID for stereo operation. The porting wasn't that difficult, but I've optimized some parts of it to better match the Teensy and its audio library. Since I had already had experience with the porting of audio codecs (mp3/aac/flac), I came up with the idea to search for a 'finished' emulator and found the very good reSID. 20 GOTO 10 Some time ago, 2015, someone in the PJRC forum asked me if it was possible to emulate the C64's SID chip on the Teensy 3.2.