This information is edited by us in such a way that it retains the same style and format, so you do not need extra interpretation when the work is done on models of different manufacturers.The information we provide is the result of a study by our specialists with experience in the automotive industry, perfectly understand the functioning of vehicles and the way in which technical information is applied in a modern car workshop.
Our database, including over 29,000 models from around the world, obtained direct license from more than 80 car manufacturers. We create products that are used in workshops during repair and service of vehicles.Most of them are directly involved in product development. We are able to achieve this with our highly qualified 180 experienced staff in seven countries in the world.
To achieve this, the basis of our philosophy is a continuous involvement in innovative solutions that allow for creation universal products that we design in response to our customers’ needs. Our mission is “to be the most innovative, accurate and respected supplier of technical information on the aftermarket “. Autodata, founded in 1975, is the world’s leading provider of technical information on the aftermarket.